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Thomas Update April 2022

In a few weeks Thomas will be 4 years old. I look at him today and think about all the words that were used to describe him in utero: vegetative state, no quality of life, severely disabled, and death. Those words held so much weight and meaning at the time. All of those words ended up to be false. The truest words about Thomas I ever read came from the reading on the day of his birth. It was the Gospel of John 16: 20 - 23 “Amen, amen I say to you, that you shall lament and weep, but the world shall rejoice; and you shall be made sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy”. The whole reading is very fitting but the part of “your sorrow shall be turned into joy” struck a chord. We were in deep sorrow most of the time I was pregnant. Only through graces did we manage. Since his birth, he has brought us so much joy. Of course there are days we struggle. He has a lot of therapy sessions and gets very frustrated at times but, my goodness, he is a joyful kid. He brings joy to anyone who meets him. I know he brings true joy to our family. Those heavy words from the past are now being replaced with words like JOY, HOPE, ABILITIES, MERCY, and STRONG WILLED. Those are God's words, not from a doctor. He is getting stronger each day and too smart for his own good. He is currently walking with assistance from his walker or by holding hands. He can count to 25, knows most of his shapes and colors, and of course is still motivated by music and lights. Music is life to him. He even beat boxes. He loves watching his stories (Paw Patrol, Mickey Mouse and Bluey) and his music videos (super simple song videos). Playing with his sister is his favorite pastime. Each day he gains a new motor skill or cognitive skill. He is here and doing so well due to God's mercy and your prayers. If you ever wanted an example of what Faith can do, my son is it.

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